Hi! My name is Maureen, but you can call me Mau. I'm just an average Canadian who happens to have a master's degree in Gerontology (the study of aging) and a passion for making the world a better, more accessible place for everyone.
This idea came to light a few years ago when I realized how much my grandfather (Papa) relied on my mom for tech support. While she was happy to help, it was time-consuming and often frustrating if she didn't know the answer. Sometimes she ended up asking me or a professional for additional support. It felt like an endless cycle, and one that no one enjoyed—surely AI could do a better job?!
Yes. Yes, it can.
If you have any questions or feedback, contact me using the form below. Hope this tool proves useful to you and your loved ones!
Contact me: Maureen Green | mauisgreen@gmail.com | LinkedIn